A blog site is an online journal or diary. Which makes it ideal for voicing your opinion, recording your pregnancy blahs or announcing your company's latest acquisition.
If you want to blog site and survive, first start by answering your why. If you're writing only for the search engine spiders, then be prepared for no one but them to read your keyword-rich spam. Blog sites demand a readership. Here are some tips to follow if you want human beings to read your blog sites.
1. Stay on topic - If you started your blog site to air your raves and rants about the latest movie you saw, better mention movies in at least every post you write.
2. Write in a conversational tone - Forget what your English professor taught you. Write the way you speak, or you'll end up sounding uptight and unnatural. And no one reads tight copy... even from the CEO of Microsoft.
3. Be opinionated - Most people respond better to an honest airing of views than pleasant platitudes.
4. Be funny - Infuse your posts with your natural wit for a better response from your target audience. And if not everyone appreciates your particular brand of humor, read the last sentence in the point above.
5. Stay informed - Word spreads at the speed of thought in the blogospere and if you're trying to become an authority on something you know very little of, prepare yourself for the brickbats.
6. Stay current - Write about the latest developments in your field. No one wants to read stuff that has been around for a long time, or that hundreds of other bloggers have chronicled.
7. Update frequently, but don't burnout - Most blog sites die because of blogger burnout - bloggers trying to update too frequently. If you've just updated your blog site and find a story you want to share, save it for later.
Going a few days or even weeks without posting is fine if you really have nothing worth sharing. So are you still wondering if you should blog site?
How to Build a Niche Site With a Blog Site
Building niche sites is all the rage these days.Once you have your articles, upload them to your site. Monitize your site with affiliate links and Adsense.
It's the bones of a web site. In reality, a blog site can be used very effectively to build a niche site. The fact of the matter is, a blog site is the easiest way to publish your niche site content. But the biggest reason to use a blog site is that it can drive traffic to your site a lot faster than a statically-built site. A niche site built with a blog site is a very powerful strategy.
First, choose your niche and research your keywords. Then set up your blog site and publish that article. Your niche site is now live.Then file all your secondary keyword articles under those Categories.
If you keep building your site with keyword-rich articles, eventually you could have hundreds of pages. As a result of all those internal keyword-rich links, your site will end up ranking very well in the search engines for your Category names.
There are many special RSS/blog directories that are hungry for feeds. By submitting your new blog site to these directories, you can start getting traffic almost immediately. Once you've started building your niche sites with a blog site, you'll never go back to doing it the old way again!
How To Build Traffic To Your Blog Site
1. Write Posts That People Will Want To Read - If you write posts that people enjoy reading, they will reward you by returning to your blog site regularly.
2. Optimize Your Posts for Search Engines - I cover this topic in detail in my article on "Search Engine Optimization For Blogs" http://www.blog-maniac.com/blog-seo.htm . But here are the most important rules to follow to get your posts listed for keywords of your choice.
- Make sure your blog site URL contains the primary keyword you want to optimize for
- Use your primary keywords in the title of your post
- Use your secondary keywords in the body of your post
- Use your keywords in the anchor text of links in the body of your posts
3. Submit Your Blog site and RSS Feed To Directories - If you publish a blog site you should submit your blog site and RSS feed to big directories like Yahoo and Dmoz, as well as the numerous blog site directories and search engines.
Best Blog site Directory And RSS Submission Sites
Another list of sites to submit your Blog site.
5. Build Links To Your Blog site
- Link to your blog site from each page on your main website
- Trackback to other blog sites in your posts
- Post legitimate comments on other blog sites with related topics
- Offer to exchange links with other similarly themed blog sites and websites
6. Edit Your Blog site Posts Into Articles - The suggestion for extending this to edit your blog site posts into articles and submit them to directories came from the coach at "Explode Blog Traffic" who also has other noteworthy suggestions at his blog site here.
7. Create Buzz About Your Blog site - Create a controversy around your blog site or it's topic. Distribute bumper stickers or other merchandise with your blog site's URL and tagline.
Write a press release about something newsworthy and tie it in with your blog site topic.
8. Capture Subscribers By Email - Using a free service like Bloglet to manage your subscriptions is easy and it allows your subscribers to manage all their subscriptions from one interface. http://www.bloglet.com
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